Tarps or tarpaulins are an important part of the trucking industry and are used to secure and protect a flatbed truck’s cargo while it is being transported. Covering with tarp is one of the most economical and best way to provide shelter from the elements (wind, rain, snow or sunlight) and to keep the cargo tied down securely. Depending on their dimensions and construction, flatbed truck tarps are usually known as Lumber Tarps or Steel Tarps.
Steel or Lumber Tarps are made out of Vinyl (PVC coated Polyester). Vinyl fabric is 100% waterproof, has great tear strength and is abrasion resistant which makes it ideal for making long lasting tarps. Steel and lumber tarps are constructed with grommets along the edges and D-Rings (“D” Shaped Steel Rings) on the sides to make it easy to tie down the tarp securely over a load. Tarp Straps / Bungee Straps need to be purchased separately to tie down the tarp.
A set of Lumber Tarps usually consists of two or three pieces and can accommodate trailers up to 48’ in length. Lumber tarps are rectangular in shape with a flap on one end. They typically have 2-4 rows of D-Rings on the sides and flap. The tarps are designed to cover loads that are up to 8’ from the truck bed and can weigh up to 110 Lbs.
Steel tarps are designed to keep small loads of steel rods, steel cables, sheets etc secure on truck beds. They are rectangular in shape with 2-3 rows of D-Rings on the sides. They are available in many different sizes.
For optimal tarp performance basic care and maintenance guidelines should be followed. Tarps should be tied down securely from all sides to prevent Wind Whip (At highway speeds the wind can tear apart the back end of a loosely tied tarp). Although flatbed tarps can take a lot of tear and rubbing, the sharp edges of the load should be padded to get maximum life out of your tarps.
Visit Mytee Products Inc. for more information on Lumber Tarps, Steel Tarps, Machinery Tarps, Mesh Tarps, Tarp Straps and more.
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